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An example of an autotheoretical work where I combined different mediums, is my latest short film not everything inside of you is yours,
commissioned by RietveldTV and presented on AT5. The work explores the format of a video essay and is created in dialogue with Hélène Cixous’ book, Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing. Through my radio performances of talking and writing nonstop I reworked fragments of her text, integrating them in my own streams of thought. Recorded through audio, the spoken text is used in the voiceover of the film. The writing is used in the subtitles. For the image, I use fragments of my archive of films which I have been recording for the past years during my visits in Greece. In these films I document the everyday life of my family members and observe how they change with every visit. The situations are always unscripted, and often document the same daily life actions, such as my grandmothers watching television or walking in their homes. By juxtaposing the overload of spoken and written words with those moving images, I search for a linearity that can acco
mmodate the autobiographical, the poetic and the theoretical.

In this film as in my performances, I aim to document a continuous present, and create situations where, even though some of the material contains images and memories of the past, the attention of the viewer is constantly
drawn to the performative now.


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